Some important definations of class X chemistry chapter carbon and its compunds
1. The earth's crust has only 0.02%carbon in the form of minerals like carbonates,bicarbonates,coal,and petroleum 2. The atmosphere has 0.03% of carbon dioxide 3. Inspite of its small amount available in nature carbon is a versatile element as it forms the basis for all living organisms and many thing which we use 4.bonding in carbon: (A) atomic number of carbon =6 (B)electronic configuration has 2electrons in k shell and four electrons in L shell (C) in order to attain the Nobel gas configuration carbon should either gain 4 electrons or lose 4 electrons or can share it's 4 electrons with some other element (D) gain of 4 electrons (to form octet ,i.e,8 electrons in c4- anion is difficult because then a nucleus with 6 protons will have to hold extra four electrons. (E) loss of 4 electrons (to attain duplet,i.e, 2electrons like he atom in c4+ cation) is difficult as it requires large amount of energy to remove four electrons (f) carbon ,hence,overcomes this difficulty b...
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