Some Basics of HTML part 1
HTML: hyper text markup language is used to create web pages for the world wide web as per ne it is a markup language original text is edited and new codes stages are added to indicate how the text should appear hypertext is simply a piece of text and works as a link markup language is a way of writing layout information within documents Actually HTML document is a plain text file that contains text and nothing else when a browser opens an HTML file the browser will look for HTML cods in the text and use them to change the layout insert images or creating links to other pages HTML documents are just text files they can we written even in the simplest text editor hypertext extensions it is not designed to be the language of w y s i w y g word processor such as word aur word perfect this choice was made because the same HTML document may be viewed by many different browsers of very different abilities HTML instructions divide the text offer document and two blocks call elemen...